Saturday, May 19, 2012

Firing Range

Day 24

Today was another adrenaline day for Ian – at the Gun Store and Firing Range. He chose a Dirty Harry 44 Magnum, an AK47 Machine gun and a .308 Sniper Rifle and 3 different targets. We met with an instructor who provided with our ear muffs and glasses. The first weapon was the Magnum which Ian got to fire with both hands and the last one with one hand (which turned out to be his best shot).

The next one was the sniper rifle which he said was a really nice weapon and easy to use. He put all shots in his head. The last one, the AK47 was used with a traditional target and his grouping was so good the instructor, who was a US Ranger Recon, signed it with “You’ve still got it after 40 years”.

When we went into the store it was incredible that you could buy anything from a mortar to a 50cal machine gun (which was $11,000)

Earlier we had gone for a walk to the Las Vegas sign which was near the airport and the Premium Outlet Centre. We didn’t go shopping as we are already nearly at our weight limit for the internal flights.

Tomorrow we fly to Dallas. We are happy to be leaving Las Vegas as the pollution is really bad at the moment as the wind is bringing in the dust from the desert to add to the smoking in the casinos.   We have had a great time here though.


  1. Dad looks happy with himself!!!! Remember you can always send stuff home:)

  2. Hi Jenny, Ian, Mick, Bob and Maureen's son cut up the water tank on Friday. The angle-grinder bounced back on Micks arm so Bob had to provide first aid and take him to doctor for stitches, he said you turn to laugh now because he had a laugh about tiger bite.
