Day 55
Today we repacked ready for the next stage of our holiday. Tomorrow we are off to New York. We then did a little shopping and met Suzanne for lunch. From there we went for a tour of the Samual Adams Brewery. The brewery was started by Jim Koch in April 1985. He chose that name because Samuel Adams was a Boston firebrand, a revolutionary thinker who fought for independence. Most importantly, Samuel Adams, was also a brewer who had inherited a brewing tradition from his father. Even though a relatively young brewery it has won more awards than any other brewery in the United States
Afterwards we took the trolley to Doyles where we got to drink more Samual Adams and have some more clam chowder and when we came out the trolley driver offered to drive us all the way home to Suzanne’s place so that was a bonus.
We finished the day with drinks on the rooftop of Suzanne’s apartments. We have had a wonderful 3 days with an excellent tour guide - thank you so much Suzanne. We were able to visit so many places in such a short time and we learnt so much about your beautiful city.
Looks like you had a great time with Suzanne!!