Thursday, June 28, 2012

New York 2

Day 66
This morning we decided to walk to the Empire State Building – 47 blocks, to visit the observation deck.  After taking the elevator up 80 flights they told us the next elevator wasn’t working so we walked the next 6 flights.  It was well worth the views. 
From there we took the bus to the City Hall to walk to the World Trade Centre site.  Today it was closed as there had been an accident on site so we walked to Canal Street for cheap souvenirs and they also have knock offs.  It is illegal and they are cracking down on it so as you pass they whisper watches, sunglasses, handbags and brand names.  If you look at them they are straight on to you.  We bought some aftershave for Ian but they got pretty aggressive so we left.  We didn’t want to end up in jail with them.
We got back on the hop-on hop off and went back to town so we could do the uptown loop.    We had already done some of it when we were here before our trip to Niagara.  It was good to go to Grant’s tomb and we had a very interesting drive through Harlem.  
We will try again tomorrow at the World Trade Centre then take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty.

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