Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Day 34
We were first to arrive at Gracelands - the home of the King.  The house is amazing.  The interior design and furnishings are still so modern you could imagine him living there today. 
Graceland consists of over 13 acres which includes his mansion, Lisa Marie and Hound Dog 2 Jets, the car museum, Elvis on Tour exhibit, 68 Special Exhibit, The King and Pop Culture Exhibit, the Influence of Elvis Presley Exhibit and 12 gift shops.   We spent the whole morning there.  We also had Elvis’s favourite food for lunch which was peanut butter and banana toasted sandwiches. 
We left there and headed to Nashville.  Along the way we stopped at the Casey Jones museum which included old style shops and buildings.  Not very exciting but a chance to grab a coffee.
After arriving at the hotel we headed out for a Nashville Night Life Dinner Show.  The food was really good and the show had a lot of recognized people.  The band was made up of musicians who have been on the road with famous country and western stars and a still used daily in recording sessions.
Their main performer was Tim Watson who has worked with Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Charlie Daniels and he was so good we bought his CD.  He did a “Salute to the Veterans” which went to number 14 over here.
It was a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see a photo of you in there mum I know how much you love getting them taken!
